Pregnancy fatigue

Bump, Set, Recharge: Overcoming Fatigue in Pregnancy in 11 Natural ways

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I feel you, Mama. You don’t click on a post about pregnancy fatigue unless you feel like you’re hitting a wall every day, no matter what you do. Welcome to early pregnancy symptoms! Please enjoy your stay – you’ll likely be tired for most of your first trimester. Or you may have felt exhausted during your whole pregnancy – ugh.

I was amazed, personally, at how tired I was during pregnancy. I mean, I get it; our bodies are busy growing a miracle, but what could I do to feel more energetic and get things done before the baby arrived? Even if I went to bed earlier and got a solid 8 hours of sleep, I couldn’t wait to crawl back into bed to get at least another two.

I wanted to enjoy pregnancy, and since I’m an active (and normally energized, person), I looked for natural, safe ways I could boost my energy and not feel so tiredPregnancy fatigue is a real thing, mamas!

Okay, duh, right? So, how do you combat trimester fatigue? Or, better yet, how do you beat pregnant women’s fatigue? Let me share with you 11 natural ways I chose to combat and beat pregnancy fatigue! Perfect for you, pregnant Mama!

Plus, don’t forget to grab these must-have pregnancy products for moms that may ease your pregnancy journey pains a lot.

When Does Pregnancy Fatigue Start?

Fatigue is an everyday companion on the pregnancy journey, but its arrival time can vary from pregnant woman to pregnant woman. Usually, pregnancy fatigue starts in the early pregnancy days and continues until the third trimester. All symptoms of fatigue during pregnancy are different. Eating healthy meals and drinking plenty of water is a must during pregnancy.

1. First Trimester Fatigue During Pregnancy

Typically, most pregnant women can expect fatigue to make its grand entrance during the first trimester. This early onset of tiredness, morning sickness, and frequent urination often catches many moms-to-be by surprise.

The reasons behind this are complex, but the surge in pregnancy hormones, especially the hormone progesterone, plays a significant role. Progesterone levels skyrocket to support the developing fetus and maintain the uterine lining, but it also has a soothing effect, making you feel more sleepy and drained.

2. Pregnant Women’s Fatigue in the Second Trimester

As you enter the second trimester, often called the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy, you might find a temporary respite from the intense fatigue that plagued your first trimester. Many women experience a boost in energy during these second trimester weeks as their bodies adapt to the hormonal changes.

However, don’t be too surprised if fatigue rears its head once more, albeit somewhat less, as your baby continues to grow and your body works hard to accommodate the changes. Keep checking your blood pressure regularly, too; high blood pressure may lead to other pregnancy symptoms or health issues.

3. Third Trimester Pregnancy Fatigue Feels

Finally, severe fatigue tends to return as you approach the third trimester, often with a vengeance. The physical demands of carrying a growing baby and the extra weight and discomfort can leave you feeling utterly drained.

Add to this mix the difficulties of getting a good night’s sleep due to the pain of your burgeoning belly and frequent trips to the bathroom, and you’ve got a recipe for some profound fatigue.

Special Considerations: Pregnancy Fatigue at Work

Pregnancy symptoms can pose a challenge when it comes to managing work responsibilities. However, there are several strategies that can help you handle a pregnant woman’s extreme fatigue while working.

  1. Stay hydrated: Sip water, juice, or other caffeine-free drinks throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain energy levels. If you feel tired, you may drink fruit juice.
  2. Eat small, frequent meals: Take plenty of healthy diet snacks to work and try to eat something every 2 or 3 hours. Opt for nutritious options like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to keep your blood sugar stable. You should keep your blood sugar under control during pregnancy.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes: Choose comfortable clothing and footwear that allow for ease of movement and reduce physical discomfort.
  4. Take short breaks: Schedule regular breaks to rest and recharge. Use this time to stretch, walk around, or practice mindfulness exercises to rejuvenate your mind and body.
  5. Modify your work environment: If possible, make adjustments to your workspace to enhance comfort. This may include using ergonomic equipment, maintaining good posture, and propping up your feet to minimize swelling.
  6. Communicate with your employer: Inform your boss and co-workers about your pregnancy and how it may affect your energy levels. Be honest about how you feel and discuss any necessary modifications or accommodations that may be required.
  7. Prioritize self-care: Make self-care a priority outside of work. Get sufficient sleep, practice relaxation techniques, and engage in activities that help you unwind and recharge.
  8. Take Naps: If your workplace allows it, a short power nap during your break can work wonders in combating fatigue. Even a 20-minute nap can provide a significant energy boost. You won’t feel tired anymore!
  9. Stay Active: Incorporate gentle stretches or brief walks into your routine to stimulate blood circulation and alleviate tiredness. Avoid sitting for prolonged periods if possible.
  10. Seek Support: Talk to your colleagues or supervisor if you need assistance or flexibility with your work schedule. They may be understanding and willing to accommodate your needs during this unique time.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and it’s important to listen to your body’s signals. If you are experiencing excessive fatigue or have concerns about your ability to cope at work, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and support.

11 Ways To Combat And Beat Pregnancy Fatigue

Here are the top ways to manage pregnancy fatigue as best as possible.

1. Drink Lots Of Water

drink water during pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

We all know we need to drink a lot of water. Drinking water has so many health benefits. But, still, the vast majority of us walk around completely dehydrated, and it can have devastating effects on energy levels & generate extreme tiredness. Unless I focus on my water intake, I don’t drink nearly enough.

I ramped up my water intake during my pregnancy (and my bladder didn’t thank me for it, ha!), and I found a small boost in my overall energy levels. I kept a bottle like this one beside me at all times. Drinking more water will definitely help you combat extreme fatigue, but you need a few more ways to help you beat it. Childbirth is not easy, so you have to take care of yourself.

2. Have A Regular Exercise Routine

Pregnancy exercise
Photo Credit: Canva

If you’re dragging yourself around lately, the last thing you probably want to hear is that you should exercise. Hear me out – there are a lot of reasons why regular exercise will help you combat and beat pregnancy third-trimester fatigue.

For starters, you feel energized after you finish working out, and that energy normally carries through for a couple of hours. Exercise will also help you feel relaxed and less stressed, which means the sleep you get at night will be much more restful. 

Restful sleep is important when you’re trying to beat pregnancy fatigue! Aim to do a pregnancy-safe workout at least three times a week. And if you suffer from heartburn, these home remedies for heartburn might help.

3. Eat A Healthy And Balanced Pregnancy Diet

Pregnancy diet
Photo Credit: Canva

Stock up on foods that are iron-rich, protein-packed, and full of fiber. A healthy, nourishing pregnancy meal filled with these kinds of nutrients will help give you the energy boost you need to keep going.

Check out The Whole 9 Months by Dana Angelo White; I grabbed it while I was pregnant and found it helped me stay on track, which was both good for the baby and pregnancy fatigue!

Since you’re trying to combat pregnancy fatigue, try breaking up your meals into smaller portions and eating more often during the day. If you’re going to beat pregnancy fatigue, you should fuel your body well throughout the day to maximize your energy. These foods might help fight nausea during pregnancy.

4. Keep The Same Sleep Routine

Sleep routine pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

Make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Keeping your body on regular sleep patterns does wonders to combat pregnancy fatigue. Since you have a sleep pattern, your body gets lots of restful sleep, which will make it much easier to combat pregnancy fatigue. A good night’s sleep will help you wake up earlier without feeling tired, too.

5. Take A Prenatal Supplement

Supplement during pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

Since your body is busy developing your baby, it burns through a lot of important nutrients that contribute to energy. Your baby will make sure to take the nutrients he or she needs, which can leave you short on them, which means you’ll probably feel exhausted.

Taking a prenatal supplement will help you combat pregnancy fatigue by making sure you get enough vitamins and nutrients. If you’re interested, this is the pregnancy supplement I took – I feel it was an important way to beat pregnancy fatigue!

It’s also all-natural, so I felt good taking it.

6. Try To Avoid Sugary Foods

avoid sugary food during pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

It’s hard to fight those pregnancy cravings, am I right? I mean, ice cream. Enough said.

But, if you’re turning to sugary foods, you may just be helping your pregnancy fatigue stick around longer than it should. That’s because after you consume sugary foods, you experience a crash in your energy levels.

Something you don’t want when you’re trying to beat pregnancy fatigue! Fruit is fine in moderation, but skip the sugary goods as much as you can in order to combat pregnancy fatigue.

7. Take A Nap

Nap During Pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

Taking a 20-minute power nap can do wonders to rejuvenate you and give you some much-needed energy. When I was pregnant, I still worked a 9-5 job (before I decided to start a mom blog!), so I would go out to my car on my lunch break and take a catnap.

Sometimes, I would nap for up to 40 minutes! I am convinced napping helped me combat and beat pregnancy fatigue. Even though I was napping, I still kept my early bedtime and earlier wake time to keep my body in the same sleep pattern.

8. Skip The Caffeine (Well, When You Can!)

This one was tough for me. I love coffee a little too much if you know what I mean! While it isn’t recommended to cut out caffeine altogether, it’s still a good idea to put the coffee cup down.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can affect your sleep. In other words, it might actually mean you get less restful sleep at night, which isn’t good when you’re trying to beat pregnancy fatigue.

Instead, opt for decaffeinated teas as a warm morning treat. Don’t worry; you won’t be pregnant forever, so you’ll be able to grab that coffee later on!

9. Practice Regular Self-Care

Pregnancy Self care
Photo Credit: Canva

I’m a huge advocate of moms practicing self-care, and that should start during your pregnancy. Listen to your body, and when you need to slow things down, make sure you do! Treating myself to some self-care was one of the best ways I combat and beat pregnancy fatigue. These self-care tips will help you be a better mom, too.

I soaked in the bath at night, I relaxed with my book as often as I could, and I delayed anything in my life that made me feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to treat yourself, Mama! In fact, it’s a good idea to get in as much self-care as you can before your baby arrives!

Make sure to grab the free printables from my home page. In the package, there’s a self-care schedule you can use to make sure you’re taking care of yourself! Plus, we get to be mom friends!

10. Relax Before Bed

Relax pregnancy
Photo Credit: Canva

Make sure to do only relaxing things in the evening before bed. Put down your phone, put up your feet, and treat yourself to consistent relaxation. You’ll feel less stressed, which means you’ll get the hours of restful sleep your pregnant body needs. I love to curl up with a book.

If taking a bath sounds relaxing to you, then take one every night! Do whatever makes you relax; it’s one of the best ways to beat fatigue during pregnancy.

11. Get Your To-Do List Done

Photo Credit: Canva

Not long after you find out you’re pregnant, you start thinking about all the things you need to do. It can feel overwhelming and cause stress. Make sure to write down everything you need for your baby.

Having a list organized will make you feel more at peace and allow you to check off as many boxes as you can. Remember, you do have nine months to get ready for your baby, so don’t stress too much. Pack your hospital labor bag early, then you won’t have to worry about it at the last minute.

Take your time and enjoy the process! 🙂


I hope you found my tips to combat and beat pregnancy fatigue helpful. The biggest thing to remember is to do activities that will promote restful sleep at night. Go to bed at a time when you can guarantee you’ll get at least 8 hours of solid sleep.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times – it’ll help you feel more awake and improve your concentration. And don’t forget the self-care mamas! Treat yourself to as many things as you can that make you feel good!

Then you’ll be able to say you beat fatigue during pregnancy! What tips will you use to help with pregnancy fatigue?

Do you have any other ideas that might help others? Comment and share it with me below!

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    1. I hear you! That’s why I kept a one-liter bottle with me at all times, ha!

      Thanks for reading!

      Elaine x

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