Mom Blog Life was established to create a supportive community for mothers, offering insights, advice, and inspiration on various aspects of motherhood, including pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, mom life, and working from home.

Our aim is to deliver informative, engaging, and relatable content that resonates with our diverse audience of moms, whether they’re navigating the challenges of parenthood in a bustling city or embracing the tranquility of suburban life.

Mom Blog Life Editorial Policy

This editorial policy serves as a framework to maintain the integrity and quality of our content. We strive to offer the best possible information as journalists and writers from repubtable sources.

Accuracy and Trustworthiness

We prioritize accuracy and reliability by fact-checking information from reputable sources. We strive to provide balanced perspectives, especially on topics that evoke differing viewpoints.

Distinction between Reporting and Opinion

We are taking steps to clearly delineate between factual reporting and opinion pieces, ensuring transparency for our readers.

Editorial Independence

Our content is independent of external influence, including advertisers or sponsors.

Should an article be sponsored or created by a third party, full disclosure will be provided.

Originality and Attribution (including AI)

We uphold intellectual property rights and refrain from plagiarism. Regular checks are conducted to verify the originality of our content.

While AI is used for ideation and writing assistance, we maintain a strict policy against the use of AI to replace human writers. All content generated with the assistance of AI is human-edited to ensure accuracy, quality, originality, and relevance to our audience.

Ethics and Respect

We uphold ethical standards by respecting the privacy of individuals and refraining from promoting hate speech or discrimination.


Our ownership, affiliations, and any potential conflicts of interest are openly disclosed to our audience. We promptly address and rectify any inaccuracies or errors in our content to maintain transparency and accountability.

Originality and Attribution: While AI is used for ideation and assistance, we maintain a strict policy against the use of AI to replace human writers. All content generated with the assistance of AI is human-edited to ensure quality, originality, and relevance to our audience.

By adhering to these principles, Mom Blog Life aims to provide a trustworthy and enriching experience for our readers, fostering a vibrant community of moms supporting moms.