14 Cliches That Are Losing Their Charm and Aren’t Welcome Anymore
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Over the course of decades, certain phrases undergo waves of popularity, surging into fashion before gradually fading into obscurity. While some expressions may have been cringe-inducing from the start, others become increasingly irksome as they are overly used to the point of exhaustion.
We all have different associations with words; a recent online forum thread reveals the words that never fail to make people cringe. Keep reading to see which ones you agree with.
1. Preggo
One user says, “I absolutely cannot stand the word “Preggo” in reference to a pregnant woman. Not sure why. Maybe it’s too much like spaghetti sauce. Please just never say that word to me.” Another one that women tend to not like: is “preggers.”
2. Epic Fail
This is a common phrase many of us probably still here regularly. One user comments, “”Epic fail!!!” Seriously guys? That sh** didn’t get old 8 years ago?”
3. Sorry, Not Sorry
Why even offer an unapologetic apology? One user sarcastically says, “I can appreciate a good non-apology apology now and then.”
4. For All Intensive Purposes
People often mispronounce common phrases without realizing it- making other people cringe.
5. All the Mispronunciations
One user wrote a hilarious paragraph filled with common mispronunciation and spellings to illustrate his point:
“I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder… “
6. You know my name, not my story
A few users note that this phrase is mostly used by younger kids that are being quite dramatic.
7. Like Overuses
“Like” is a commonly overused word. One user finds it particularly annoying when someone starts a comment on FB with, “‘Like if you think….”
8. Pet Names
There were a variety of names for significant others that the community found to be cringe-worthy. These included: hubby, partner, babe, baby, and love of my life. Clearly, it totally depends on the person.
9. I’d Vote for Him
One user cringes every time he hears, “I’d vote for him because I’d love to have a beer with him.” Is this a valid way to choose? Maybe. Some writers say its better than basing it on other vain measures.
10. Well-Raised Kids Using “Hood” Words and Behaviors
One particular writer shares a perfect example, “This is particularly cringey in the UK. I lived next to one of these tw**s in first year of uni. Mate, you’re not from the ghetto, you didn’t have a hard life and you’re not ‘ard. You grew up with an upper middle-class background in Mill Hill in London and you went home after two weeks of uni because you didn’t know how to do your laundry.”
11. You Don’t Deserve Me!
“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” So I have to deal with you being an arrogant t*** before you’re nice? Go f*** yourself you drama queen.” People agreed this phrase is a cop-out for people acting crazy for no good reason.
12. It is What It Is
This phrase is often used to convey acceptance in a situation that might be less than desirable, but some find it overly simplistic and unhelpful, especially when seeking solutions or empathy.
13. Get Over It
When someone uses this phrase, it’s usually from a person who has little self awareness for themselves or those around them. It’d overuse is so disheartening and annoying.
14. Bear With Me
If this phrase has to be said first, get ready for a wild and useless explanation.
Source: Reddit.
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