12 Small Things That Annoy the Daylights Out of People
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As we navigate our daily lives, we often understand the significance of picking our battles with discernment. There comes a point where getting entangled in a conflict just doesn’t seem worthwhile. Nevertheless, there are certain minor matters that a substantial number of individuals hold steadfastly to without hesitation. Be it out of irritation, personal principles, or a deep-seated sense of exasperation, these are the issues where many find themselves unwilling to compromise.
A recent thread asked, “What’s the smallest hill you’re willing to die on?” The answers were quite random, and some surprising. Read on to see the answers.
1. Use Your Blinkers Idiot
One Redditor says, “People who don’t use turn signals are bad people.” No matter what anyone else says, they find it irresponsible and unacceptable.
2. The Need for Real Buttons
Many of the “buttons” in our lives (on dashboards, phones, keyboards, etc. are becoming screen-based. One user says, “I’ll take hard buttons (over touch buttons) and manual door handles (over fancy electric latches) in a car any day.”
3. Please Just Drive
If you know the rules for right of way when driving, one user says to please just follow them. He says, “If you have the right of way don’t wave at me to turn left in front of you.”
4. Delivery Service Fees
This topic of delivery and fees for restaurant food tends to yield polar opinions. One user says, “I shouldn’t have to pay a service fee when I pay for my order in full and pay for the delivery service when ordering directly from a restaurant.”
5. Keeping Kids Out of Beauty Pageants
Many people who don’t like seeing the objectification of kids will agree with this: “Beauty pageants should only be 18+ people.”
6. Poor Articulation and Writing
Many people are unwilling to deal with people’s confusion about certain worlds. One example given was, “‘Lose’ not ‘loose’.” Other common examples include “their” vs “there,” “should have,” not “should of,” and “couldn’t care less” (not could care less as mistakenly often said).
7. Money Spending Feeds
Many agree with this one: “Public Venmo payments are dumb. I don’t need a social media feed for who bought someone coffee.”
8. Insane Customer Demands
One user says, “The customer is not always right.” He had hundreds of responses in agreement. A few people talk about how wrong customers are sometimes. Plus, it was pointed out that the original saying about the customer being right stems from a correlation between customer market demands and revenue that makes dealing with people worth it for profit.
9. Cryptic Menus
One user complains, “QR codes instead of menus…I just won’t.” Many agreed about menus and really anything else that QR codes are used for.
10. Time Changes
“Daylight savings is the stupidest thing ever.” Says one disgruntled user. Anyone dealing with adjusting to the new time change twice a year can agree. Plus, it seems like the next one comes around too soon.
11. Constant Talk About Generations
When did generational trends become such as big deal? No, Boomers aren’t all senile and Millennials aren’t all living in their moms’ basements.
12. Social Media Everything
Many people with a following on a social media channel will say something offensive just to build some hype. The more people overreact, the better for their algorithm to be seen.
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