14 Stories That Prove the Unsettling Realities of “Pretty Privilege”
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Within our society, subtle conditioning often guides our perception of certain physical traits as beautiful, simultaneously casting doubt on the attractiveness of others. This pervasive influence significantly shapes our social interactions and poses additional challenges for individuals frequently labeled as “ugly” or “average” based on superficial societal standards. This conversation delves into thirteen instances where people experience diverse treatment due to their appearances.
1. Not Getting Help
“Anyone can ask, but attractive people are so much more likely to get help from strangers. Just a sad little twisted fact of life.” Shares one user. Other users share several instances of people dressing “ugly” on purpose to test this theory, finding it makes a huge difference in how they’re treated and approached.
2. Skewed Task Delegation
“I have a good-looking business partner. We are constantly delegating tasks based on whether we need Sasquatch or Captain America.” Share another user. While many users found this analogy funny, they also agreed that certain business tasks, particularly involving interaction with people, are best left for the “beauty.”
3. Fewer Tips as a Waitress
“Get good tips as a waitress/waiter without REALLY trying.” Shares someone. Others agree, sharing stories of good-looking friends who make as much as $90 per hour in tips at a low-end restaurant.
4. Going Out
“Go out broke and come home drunk.” Shares a writer. Others agreed, saying there is never money or women to bring home at night’s end, making for a very different experience when out on the town.
5. Constant Rejection
Anyone that considers themselves unattractive may be used to rejection. A man shares his next-level experience, “I’ve had one of my friends get rejected because the girl found the best friend of that guy (me) to be too ugly.” The online forum community was shocked by this story and said his friend was lucky to dodge that relationship anyways. Some people are just plain cruel (and shallow).
6. Trying to Become a Singer
“Even though looks have nothing to do with talent. Makes me wonder how many amazing voices are not being heard because the record company old fat dudes don’t think the artist [singer] is hot.” Sad, but likely true.
7. Oblivious Privilege
This awarded comment takes the cake on what beautiful people deal with: “By it’s very nature, privilege is invisible to those who possess it and makes them uncomfortable to consider that might be the case.” While no one can blame someone for their looks, this is definitely a hard truth for many people.
8. Apparent Good Luck
Someone writes, “People will go completely out of their way to do things for them. Moving? Something broke? Card declined? Someone will help them.” While a beautiful person may appear “lucky,” it’s more likely that people are more willing to cater to them.
9. Smiles Based on Body Size
“It was so weird, people in my town got way nicer after I lost 80lbs. Surely just a coincidence. I still hold my arm out to catch the closing door. Men hold it open for me now but this changed even faster than my muscle memory.” Shares one woman. Other men and women had similar stories, making them feel bitter and jaded that people treat them so differently based on size.
10. False Assumptions
“Yeah, it’s called the halo effect. We tend to assume attractive people are nicer and smarter.” Of course, looks have nothing to do with personality or brains, in reality.
11. Dating Opportunities
“Always having dating options. Not actively seeking out potential partners. Potential partners seek them out.” Shares a user. Another user shares that he noticed his attractive friend can hit on women without a “cringe” response.
12. Working at Vain Clothing Stores
More than one person reports biases when seeking out a job (or being offered a job) at certain clothing stores. For example, the owner of Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister allegedly “doesn’t hire ugly people.”
13. Navigating Social Situations
Someone writes, “If an unattractive person is at a venue and doesn’t know anybody, it can be a lonely experience. If you are attractive, people will try to make conversation with you all the time. I know plenty of attractive people who are not at all interesting but have tons of friends because everyone wants a good-looking person around them.” Sadly, this was confirmed by many.
14. Customer Service Help
Attractive individuals often receive better customer service in various settings, as people tend to respond more positively to them- one user notes, especially in retail!
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