How To Be Productive When You’re A Mom Who Works From Home
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If you are working from home, you may enjoy getting things done in an environment that is most comfortable for you.
However, you might not know how to work from home with ease now that you are a mom.
While some people assume it is easy to stay at home and complete tasks with a little one, it is much more challenging than most would think.
Your schedule needs to work around your child’s daily habits.
If you are struggling to stay productive while taking care of your little one, follow the tips below.
Working from home as a new mom can cause a bit of stress, but it is something you can do and get better at with time.
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The Best Productivity Tips For Work At Home Moms
#1. Get Up Earlier Than You Normally Would
When you want to get as much work done as possible each day, it helps to get up a bit earlier than you normally would.
Consider waking up an hour or two before your little one normally gets up. If you have the extra hour or two to yourself, you can get ready for the day and then start working.
If you are working early in the morning, you will complete some of the tasks on your to-do list before your child even gets up for the day.
Getting up before the kids can benefit you in many ways.
Not only does it make it possible for you to get a headstart on your work, but it can also make you feel stronger and far more confident.
When waking up at the same time as your child, you might feel like you have absolutely no time to yourself to get anything done because everything you are doing is for your child at that point, such as preparing breakfast, brushing teeth, helping your child get dressed, and more.
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#2. Take Advantage of Working During Nap Time(s)
If your child is at an age where he or she regularly takes naps, take advantage of those peaceful moments.
As a work-at-home mom, you are going to need to take more breaks than the average person who works from home because you have to care for your child.
However, you may feel more productive if you are working for an hour or two without a break because your child is sleeping.
Naptimes are not always predictable.
Your little one may take a three-hour nap one day and then a 30-minute nap the next.
Try not to focus on how long your child will nap.
Instead, focus on getting straight to work as soon as your little one goes down for the count.
Some days will be more productive than others, but just remind yourself that you are doing the best you can while trying to make the work-at-home mom life work for you.
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#3. Stay Up Later to Get Work Completed in Peace
While this is not ideal for everyone, if you feel most productive and alert at night, you may want to consider becoming a night owl.
You would complete assorted work-related tasks after your child goes to bed for the night.
If you are putting your child to bed at 7:30 PM, you might want to start working at around 8:00 PM.
You might decide to work until midnight to get at least four hours of work completed in a day.
While there are times when you might feel tired and choose to go to bed a bit earlier, staying up later to complete your work in peace could work out in your favor at times, too.
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#4. Hire In-House Help When You Need It
When you have a lot of work on your plate and you are starting to feel overwhelmed, it helps to hire in-house help.
You may want to pay a family member, close friend, or someone else you can trust to keep an eye on your child in a different part of the home for a few hours.
If you have your child watched and occupied by someone you can trust for a few hours each week, you can get much more done.
Even if you have a younger sibling or grandparent coming over to watch your child for two hours a day, those two hours of interruption-free work time will make such a big difference.
Most importantly, you will save money because you will not have to pay for daycare.
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#5. Follow a Schedule That Works For You and Your Family
Try to create and follow a schedule that works best for you and your family.
If you create a schedule and start to get into a routine with it, you can have a lot of success working from home with a child.
For example, you may want to get up an hour before your child, pour a cup of coffee, eat breakfast, and then get started on your work.
You can take a break when your child gets up, take care of his or her needs, and then wait until your little one takes a nap to get back to work for a few more hours.
If you have a spouse who has certain days off, you might also want to work more on those particular days because you will have the extra helping hands around the house.
You may need to adjust the schedule from time to time based on what is happening each day, but there is nothing wrong with that.
When you have a daily routine, you can get more done and remain productive while attempting to reach your work-related goals.
When you want to continue to work from home, but you are a mom, you might think you will struggle to make it happen.
You should know that you are not alone.
Many women are staying at home with their children while working simultaneously to make a living.
Although it does require effort, patience, and self-motivation, you can successfully continue to work from home while parenting your child.
Follow the tips mentioned above to make the most of your time while keeping your productivity levels at an all-time high.