14 Things this Crazy World Needs the Most Right Now
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Upon tuning into the news, there are instances where it seems as though the world has embarked on an inexplicable journey. Faced with this bewildering state of affairs, a profound question surfaced in a digital forum: “In the midst of the current global turbulence, what are the most essential elements that our world earnestly requires?”
Other than a big hug, many great answers were given- which we’ll explore now. Do you agree?
1. A Long Break from Social Media
Social media seems to pit the world against itself with online trolls and haters. While a lot of love and support can also be found, overall, most of us can agree that social media addiction needs to be restricted to help the world’s mental health status.
2. Stop the Mindless Scrolling
Rather than getting lost in the world of scrolling, take time to interact with real people and have real human interactions. Your mental health will thank you.
3. Have More Empathy
While a hug is a good start, it goes deeper than that. Putting ourselves in each other’s shoes helps us understand each other’s perspectives and think with compassion- even when we have a hard time understanding another person’s actions or choices.
We don’t all have to agree with each other, but we can still be empathetic of other’s struggles and views.
4. Celebrating Differences
It’s become the norm to shun those that don’t agree with us, but why? One writer points out, “The ability to understand that not everyone thinks like them” is key to living in a more peaceful world.
5. Embrace Being Unique
When did people decide that we all must think alike to be tolerable? Different opinions, styles, and values are what make this world unique. Embrace it, and don’t be afraid to be you.
6. Enjoy More Green Space
Many people commented that the world needs more trees and green space. There’s nothing like nature to help calm everyone’s nerves and boost their health. Plus, we literally need plants to clean our air and keep it oxygenated.
7. Grow a Garden
To connect better with nature and feel grounded, everyone should have a garden. It’s a great way to de-stress and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
8. Have Insightful and Honest Discussions
One writer explains this well, “People willing to have honest discussions about ideas without getting triggered and retreating to their walled-in echo chambers as soon as they get challenged. With every low-effort attempt to get one-up on the ‘other’ side, the chasm between people gets just a bit bigger.” Instead, focusing on an environment where backlash isn’t the norm would be helpful.
9. Time Away from the News
People are nostalgic for a time when we weren’t constantly bombarded by news, ads, and information all day. The news focuses on what sells (negative and shocking everything), and it can make it feel like the world is an unhospitable place when this isn’t typically the reality for most folks.
10. Feel All the Feels
One user lays it all out with a few words, “[More] compassion, understanding, kindness, love, and self-love.” We need more of all the feel-good positive emotions in our lives, for sure!
11. Try A Total Reset
One user asks, where’s the reset button for this world we’re living in? How do we go back to a time with less drama and struggle? While we may not be able to make major changes worldwide, we can start with ourselves and our own relationships.
12. Get More Sleep
Sleep deprivation and over-stimulation are having major effects on world health (physical and mental). It’s amazing what a good night of rest can help someone, and the world, accomplish.
13. Build Mental Health Awareness
Mental health is still often stigmatized. “More mental health awareness in general, it doesn’t have to be a gender issue (at least not forever, I do think men’s mental health needs more awareness currently).”
14. Social Connections
In a world filled with online interactions and less personal connection, it can make it easy to spiral into negativity. Nurturing relationships with our friends and family and improve our mental health and make life seem better.
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