
7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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I’m sure all mamas and mamas-to-be can agree- having a healthy baby grow within you can be the best feeling ever (even when you feel like you might explode- ha!).

The smile it produces when your little one is wiggling around is second to none.

Yet, as a pregnant women we are facing strange stressful times that make being prepared and healthy more important than ever. 

I’m right there with you mama! And my heart goes out to you as we navigate this pandemic and potentially find ourselves stuck at home.  

The beautiful thing about pregnancy and childbirth is the stark reminder that although times are tough, life goes on and miracles continue to happen!  

I find the best way to reduce anxiety and stress is to feel well-informed, so take a deep breath as I review tips for a healthy pregnancy during this pandemic (or at any other time, really.) 

healthy pregnancy tips

7 Tips for staying healthy during the pandemic

1. Healthy Prenatal care

If this is your first pregnancy, you may be wondering where to start with the new regulations imposed in many doctor’s offices.  You want the guidance of a health professional without the risk of illness, right?

We expectant mothers all look forward to getting prenatal care from a trusted OB doc but with the pandemic it’s required some thinking outside the box. 

Ways to maximize your prenatal care:

  • Wear a mask to all necessary doctor’s visits
  • Do not bring any guests (unless explicitly allowed- this is a tough one!)
  • Talk to your doctor about your telehealth options
  • Feel informed- there are so many great resources out there for you to learn what to expect every step of the way (in fact- don’t forget to check out our full pregnancy section!)


2. Do Your Best to Stay Safely Isolated

How strict you need to be with staying home will ultimately depend on your health and where you are living (i.e. highly populated areas). 

My biggest advice: follow your instincts and practice common sense.  Wear a mask in public when you’re in dense areas, wash your hands frequently, and avoid unnecessary contact. 

We’ve beat some of the isolation blues with zoom call games nights and days spent out in nature (where there are few people and a low risk of contraction).  

3. Please remember: You are not more likely to catch the virus

Most major authorities in obstetrics agree pregnant women are not more likely to get this virus than the normal populace. Phew!

I know many pregnant women have been scared that their condition makes them vulnerable.  

Instead of dwelling on fear and anxiety, try your best to channel your energy into more positive thinking.  Focus on controlling what you can and choose to be your healthiest. 

I know it’s easier said than done, but the truth is that the stress of worrying about your health is probably more detrimental than anything else!  

4. Screen the News you watch

Every new day starts with never-ending corona updates and dismal world news.

Unfortunately, constantly being bombarded with negativity and bad news doesn’t have to be your norm. News channels focus on negativity because we’re hard-wired as humans to pay more attention to it. Don’t get sucked in! 

Find a balance between feeling informed and bombarded. Luckily, today we don’t have to watch the “nightly news,” but can quickly look up important updates and move on with our day. 

Trade in that news time for another favorite activity.  Get hooked on Netflix, take a walk, start that new book, or even listen to music.

Avoid the news as much as possible.

5. Practice Daily or Nightly Meditation

Tossing and turning at night due to a racing mind?  This simple solution is one of my favorites because of all the other health benefits it brings. 

You can get started by simply finding a quiet place and focusing on your breath for 1-10 minutes. 

Otherwise, there as so many great meditation apps, books, Youtube videos, and courses that can guide you. 

From emotional awareness to couples meditation, deep relaxation, walking meditation, connecting with the baby and even labor preparations are options for you during pregnancy.  

With my first pregnancy, a life changing book about meditation that I was fortunate to read was Mindful Birthing– I highly highly recommend it! 

Other great options for a racing mind or stress include journaling, visualization or affirmations, choose what works for you! 

6. Take charge of the uncontrollable

When so many things feel out of our control at this time, it can be easy to feel trapped and anxious.  

These times are meant to be joyous and filled with anticipation.  Plus, we want to get our homes ready for the arrival of a precious little one. 

Here’s the truth mama- the only thing your baby will care about is having loving arms to snuggle into.  If your nursery isn’t finished or you don’t get to throw a gender reveal party, I promise you all that stress will melt away the moment you get to see your beautiful newborn for the first time (it truly is as magical as everyone says it is!). 

Focus on what you can control instead such as a little online shopping for your nursery, eating well, exercising, and getting proper sleep. 


7. Reconnect and prepare. 

This is an excellent time to get in sync with your partner once again and build an environment of calm and love for your baby.  

While it can be trying, remember what a blessing it is that we can spend more time with those we love the most right now.

You now have a great opportunity to prepare for baby together in a very unique way- yay!  Try preparing some freezer meals and creating your birth plan for starters!



Considering what we are facing crazy unprecedented times, being pregnant during a pandemic is tough. But you are most certainly tougher.  Hang in there mama!  It’s all worth it. 

I hope that you find these tips for healthy pregnancy helpful and comforting as pregnant women everywhere go through this together.

What precautions are you following to stay healthy during this pandemic? It changing each week? I’d love to see your comments! Let’s support each other! 


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