Instant Turn Off- 15 Actions and Saying That Will Make People Dislike You Quickly
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Within the intricate tapestry of human emotions, anger emerges as a distinct force, intricately shaped by personal stimuli. In this digital dialogue, we explore the triggers that swiftly ignite the flames of fury, painting one’s outlook with a fiery hue.
Do any of these sound familiar?
1. Traffic Shenanigans
There’s a reason so many people deal with road rage. A lot of comments revolved around driving.
“When someone is quick to pull out in front of you in traffic then proceeds to drive really slow.” Says one writer. So true, especially when no one is behind you, says another.
2. Traffic Shenanigans Continue
Another common driving trigger is this: “Or when you move to pass them, and they speed up so you can’t pass them. Then they slow back down.” So annoying, for sure.
3. More Traffic Triggers
“People who don’t use their blinkers.” This is especially true when they are attempting a farmer’s turn (going the opposite direction before turning the other way), confusing all drivers behind them.
4. Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
“Unprovoked rudeness, makes my blood boil.” Shares one user. Lashing out for no reason is a sign that the person probably had a crappy day, unfortunately causing the person they lash out at to also have a worse day (and the cycle continues, most often).
5. Something in the Eye
“Those times you get something in your eye, but can’t seem to find it or flush it out,” writes a user. A reply shares that the real problem is that the eye is probably scratched, and it now feels like something is there, even when there isn’t. Such a terrible feeling.
6. Noise Past Bedtime
“Noisy neighbours, aka it’s 11pm, blaring music and you wake the kids up. Do that sh** and you’re going to have a furious Scotsman at your door.” If anyone disturbs a sleep-deprived parent’s sleep (or quiet time), watch out!
7. Hypocrisy
“Blatant hypocrisy or double standards make me vehemently angry,” shares another user. Why can’t we all be more aware and truthful? (Easier said than done.)
8. Asking for Repeated Help
“People who ask for help on everything and don’t even try to figure it out for themselves -my mom still can’t work the remote.” Shares one user. Others agree and say it has to do with being too lazy to actually learn something new. Another writer replied, “You just described half of my coworkers.”
9. False Accusations
“Being falsely accused of something,” shares one user. Others agree, especially when it comes out of nowhere.
10. All the Loud Noises
“Unnecessary loud noises (loud pipes on motorcycles and cars/trucks.),” says one user. Others agree, so unnecessary.
11. Lateness
While there are legitimate reasons for being late, people that are constantly late and don’t respect other people’s time can be very frustrating.
12. Bad Parenting
Seeing a poor child subject to a parent’s constant nagging or scrutiny can be enraging. Give the poor kid a break and let them breathe and explore!
13. Blowing Off Mental Health Struggles
Someone writes, “”Get over it” “Grow up” “Stop being a baby” And anything else that invalidates or puts down people who struggle with mental health.”
14. Awkward Staring
One user admits that having someone stare at them, whether it’s a stranger or someone they know, get them instantly angry for some reason.
15. Money Priorities
Another user writes, “When someone says that they are broke when [you] ask for a contribution and then the next day [you] see them having a fancy dinner /partying on their social media and pretending that they [are] living the best life.” It’s probably better to be honest when it comes to money and just say no rather than making up lame excuses.
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