nervous anxious woman glasses biting nails

14 Questions Guaranteed to Induce Anxiety

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Throughout our life journey, there are specific questions or expressions that possess a unique ability to promptly elicit a feeling of discomfort when spoken. As these queries or remarks seamlessly integrate into the tapestry of our daily existence, it is not unusual for individuals to cultivate a tendency to distance themselves from their origins. Within online communities, individuals converge to participate in conversations surrounding these commonplace questions and phrases that wield the ability to provoke anxiety and quicken the pace of one’s heartbeat.

1. The Classic Question We All Hate

frustrated woman hands on face
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Shares a user. Whether in a work setting, with a friend, or significant other, this question gets people’s imaginations going quickly.

2. The Dreaded Work Request

Shocked man in his computer
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“Please come to my office,” Shares another user. While it doesn’t always have to be negative, most of us equate those five words with being fired or reprimanded, neither enjoyable things.

3. Office Secrets

woman thinking at her desk writing
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“Close the door behind you and have a seat.” Shares another user. More of a demand than a question, but still anxiety-inducing for sure. This is similar to the one above but may also relate to office gossip or questions to get you to spill the beans about another co-worker. Yikes!

4. The Suspenseful Cliff Hanger

shocked woman lifting her glasses
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“I have to talk to you about something later,” shares a writer. Many others agreed and said this led to them demanding a discussion or answer. Another user jokingly writes that he says this to people at the beginning of the day for maximum anxiety induction.

5. The Job Interview

man thinking on his phone confused
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Asking, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” in a job interview. One man shares he says it’s the worst because he struggles with his strengths. Many people struggle to talk positively about themselves because they feel like it’s bragging and makes them feel self-conscious.

6. More Job Interview Questions

frustrated woman pulling her hair mad
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

“Tell us a little bit about yourself” is another common job interview question. It induces anxiety for similar reasons, particularly for introverts.

7. The Text

shocked woman looking at her phone confused disgusted
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“Can you call me?” is another anxiety-based phrase for several reasons. For some people, they just hate talking on the phone and prefer text. For others, it’s almost guaranteed to be an emergency when it’s from a person that normally texts. One user shares she always wonders who died when she gets a text like that.

8. Question of the Day

woman thinking finger to mouth
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“Did you lock the door when you left?” is a casual question that can get your heart rate going as you try to remember.

9. Is It Off?

confused woman not sorry shocked
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Another similar question is, did I leave the curling iron on? Or the stove? Or any other appliance that can have your imagination going wild.

10. On the Spot

man confused frustrated crying shocked
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“Can you introduce yourself?” This question in the middle of a meeting or group setting is every introvert’s nightmare.

11. Thinking Ahead

woman holding a clock shocked red lipstick
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

“What have you planned for your future?” makes many people think harder than they’d like to. Formulating a plan for the future… out loud… with other people? It’s just too much for some.

12. Last Minute

confused man in pink
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As a procrastinator, “How much have you done?” can point out the fact that they are behind schedule (as always). Being called out on it with this question can be a heart racer.

13. Small Talk

nervous anxious woman biting her nails surprised confused
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Many people aren’t fans of the question: “So what did you do this weekend?” They just want people to cut to the chase instead of small talk in the office.

14. What Do You Think?

disappointed woman
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Someone asking for an opinion can but us in a hairy situation. If your opinion is negative, do you tell the truth, candy coat it, or just lie?


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