12 Cool Things About Being an Adult with No One to Tell You What to Do
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Embarking on the journey of responsible adulthood, often whimsically labeled as ‘adulting,’ brings its share of challenges, occasionally eliciting a nostalgic yearning for the carefree days of childhood. However, within the digital landscape of an online forum, participants were prompted to divulge the most noteworthy facets of being an adult. Astonishingly, assuming the responsibilities of adulthood can unveil a realm of joy and satisfaction. Here’s a glimpse into why:
1. Freedom of Choice
Kids often get in trouble for saying “no.” Adults? There’s not much anyone can do about it.
One user comments, “Learning that when I’m asked to do something unreasonable, “No” really is a full sentence. What a glorious day that was.”
2. Money for All the Hobbies
Want to take on a new hobby? No problem.
“I wanted to go back into skateboarding, spent a week really wishing i could have a skateboard….. To then realize “wait a minute, I’m a grown a** man! I have a salary! I can buy a Skateboard whenever I want !” !! So… long story short, I have 4 skateboards now!”
3. Eating All the Candy
One user points out a funny double-edged sword.
“Pro: I can eat an entire bag of cadbury mini eggs and no one can stop me. Con: I ate an entire bag of cadbury mini eggs and no one stopped me so now I’m going to lay down.”
4. Buy a Cake Just Because It Sounds Good
As an adult, you don’t need to rationalize your decisions to anyone. “I can go to the store on Tuesday and buy a sheet cake simply because I want to,” shares someone.
5. Living Life Your Own Way
At some point, many adults realize they don’t have to please everyone. “Realizing that there are so many things that you really don’t need to give an F about, just as you’re running out of F’s to give.”
6. No Homework
There’s nothing better than no homework and no studying for tests. “No more panic about forgetting to study for exams or not doing a term paper assignment,” writes someone.
7. Bedtime
No one dictates a bedtime; some adults will stay up late while others love the extra sleep. “Going to bed at 8pm because I want to,” shares one user.
8. No Sneaking Around
One user recalls all the things he had to do sneakily as a teenager that he can do now without worry. No more sneaking to drink alcohol, have sex, buy junk food, or have a pet.
9. Playing Around with a Buzz
Some users pointed out that doing kid activities while drinking is fun. Recommended activities included sledding, building forts, and eating snacks.
10. Endless Sleepovers with My Favorite Person
Remember the fun of sleepovers as a kid? They never happened enough and always ended in trouble when no one actually slept.
One woman writes, “I get to have an every night sleepover with my favorite person, and no one yells at us when we stay up late giggling. (My husband).”
11. Interior Design
Adults have full control of their own living space (usually). This means you can make your living space as cozy or empty as you prefer- and there’s no one to tell you any different. If you don’t want a picture hanging on the wall from third grade, you don’t have to.
12. Saying No
Ultimately, as an adult you get to choose who you hang out with, what your job is, what you buy, etc. You are in control!
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