face mask tips for kids

6 Face Mask Tips For Children During Covid-19

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This week, we’re covering a topic that is impossible to avoid right now. I definitely have mixed feelings about masks, especially when it comes to children wearing them. Yet, I’ve accepted them as a part of our life at this point- so I thought Shanna’s 6 Face Mask Tips for Children During Covid-19 might be helpful for all of us parents out there dealing with mask wearing children- (whether you agree that masks are necessary or not). I hope it helps you! 

6 Face Masks Tips for Children

Face coverings are essential for everyone in the time of COVID-19, but how can we make children wear one without the hassle? The virus can be transferred from one person to another, therefore it is important to take proper precautions. One of the tips to avoid getting infected is washing your hands frequently and to wear a face mask. 

As adults, we have understood the situation, but for children it is quite hard to cope with these harsh consequences. Parents are struggling to make their little ones wear a face mask as they are not familiar with it. Children resist co-operating and have a stubborn nature. They might react differently when it is about choices which go against their preferences. 

According to Lauren Faubel, a certified child life specialist at children health stated, “Children are quite resilient and adaptable”. However, every child is different, and many times they do adjust easily. But they get distracted after a certain time and may not care much about their mask. 

We know the struggle of parents forcing their children to wear a mask. It can be quite a struggle and to ease that, we have combined six face mask tips for children.

How do I assist my child in adjusting to wearing a face mask?

Mommies can easily let their children adjust to wear a mask or a face covering over their nose and mouth by following the steps below. 

face mask tips for kids

#1 Tell kids why face mask is essential

First of all, you could explain to your kids why wearing a face covering or mask is crucial and how it will stop COVID-19. Use appropriate examples which your child can easily understand. 

For younger kids, use easy examples such as “wearing a face mask can help them keep everyone safe”, or “Wearing a face covering will help them prevent germs” At first, they might not understand or listen but with the right amount of patience and hard work, they will eventually understand how important it is to wear a face mask. 

For older kids, parents can take out reliable information from sources or show video content which explains how a face mask can help them prevent the virus. 

Children should know the importance of face masks. This will empower their knowledge and let them live a safe and healthy life. Let’s not forget that our children are playing an essential role in fighting the COVID-19. 

#2 Teach from play

Many times children learn things through play. It is known as the most effective technique for parents. If your children have a favorite toy or a stuffed animal, you can get a matching mask for both of them. This will encourage your kids to wear it as a normal accessory. Also, it’s important to hear out your child’s feelings towards a face mask. How does it make them feel? Listen to them, and maybe they will say something which would help parents tackle the situation better. 

#3 Vibrant and colorful printed mask

Face masks for children are available in various patterns and prints. If your child has a favorite cartoon character, get it for them. Search for a cloth face mask which has your kid’s favorite colors and characters. You could even let them choose it on their own as it will encourage them to wear it. 

Also, ask them for which face mask you can wear all day? Listen to their answers. This will allow them tell you about the battles they feel while putting the face coverings on. 

For mask options, always go for cloth face coverings which are washable and comfortable fitting. 

#4 Face mask fitting and comfort

Do not just impose a face covering on your children’s face. Ensure that it has a good fitting which is not too tight and not too loose. Also, it should be comfortable to breathe in it. Maybe your child does not hate the face coverings, but because it is not comfortable, they do not want to wear it. A face covering should properly fit on your children’s nose and mouth and should secure the under the chin. No gaps on both of the sides of the mask fittings. Make handwashing mandatory before wearing the face covering. 

#5 Give your children the responsibility

Children feel empowered and in control of a situation when they are given a responsibility. If you have more than one child then you could make the elder one the monitor of mask control. Ask them to ensure their siblings and family members are wearing a mask. This would make it interesting for them, and they would happily wear the mask without considering it as a problem. 

#6 Normalize wearing a mask 

The last tip that we would like to share with parents is practice. Make it a daily habit indoors to wear a face covering. Teach them how to carry it properly as this would boost their confidence in handling their face mask in public. For younger children, it could be a game in which they can wear a mask with their parents. 

The conclusion

Wearing a mask for everyone is mandatory because of COVID-19. It spreads from one to another. It could cause serious healthcare concerns through respiratory droplets that can cause coughing, sneezing or talking. A cloth face mask prevents spreading of those respiratory droplets. For children, a cloth face mask works effectively and keeps them safe in public around people. We hope our tips were helpful for parents.

What are your experiences with face masks and your children? Do you find them burdensome or necessary? I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

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  1. Hello there,

    These are some great ideas for improving kids’ motivation to wear face masks in public. May I suggest that children not wear masks at home (to “practice”) or when not absolutely necessary as they need all the oxygen they can get for their developing brains. One thing is wearing a face mask for a few seconds in a game, the other is depriving children of oxygen unnecessarily. Cheers!

    1. Thank you for reading! Yes, I agree that children need their oxygen! My daughter has “practiced” for a few minutes here and there but I agree that long term practice is not ideal when not necessary.

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