How to Work From Home with Kids: Plus 6 of the Best Jobs for Moms

by Mombloglife

Welcome to the realm where remote work and parenting harmonize! We will unravel proven techniques to boost productivity and create a nurturing environment.

1. Start A Virtual Assistant Business

Demand for Virtual Assistants will always exist and the average salary is around $15 per hour.

2. Become A Freelance Writer: Have a Balanced Schedule

Freelance writing offers the flexibility to take on as much client work as you want, during free hours.

3. Start A Virtual Bookkeeping Business

You can assist business owners or entrepreneurs by keeping track of their finances and records.

4. Become A Photographer

 Starting a photography business might be your way to work from home, if you love taking pictures!

5. Dog Walking or Sitting

Many are eager to hire someone to look after their dogs, particularly if they work long hours. 

6. Start A Mom Blog

Love Blogging? I've been able to set my own schedule by doing this.

Not all of these business ideas will work for you, but take some time to research and see if one could be viable. It'll be good for you and your family.