Halloween Dreams Crushed: 10 People Share Their Most Disappointing Moments 

By Mombloglife

The joy of the Halloween spirit and festivities can occasionally be overshadowed by unfortunate events, shattering the hopes of a fantastic time.

1. Grandpa’s Surprise Gone Awry

A grandfather who decided to disguise himself and surprise his daughter’s family for Halloween was thrown off the front porch by his son-in-law, who thought he was an intruder. He cracked his head.

2. The Candy Thief

A little girl dressed as an angel received loads of candy at the science museum and was very proud of herself. Unfortunately, when it was time to leave, her basket was empty.

3. Sick On Halloween

Few things will bum you out like being sick on Halloween. Imagine all the candy and partying involved, and you can’t participate in any of it.

4. Barf In The Candy Bucket

In this instance, one child found the overwhelming excitement of all the candy too much to handle and regrettably vomited right into their candy-filled basket.

5. Halloween And Religion

One family got their celebration changed when religion entered the chat.

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Halloween is eagerly awaited by many, filled with high expectations and excitement.