13 Reasons Being a Parent Isn't for Everyone 

By Mombloglife

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The online forum community shares their top reasons for not having kids below. We also asked financial advisors at Wealth Tender working with child-free couples for further insight.  

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1. Financial Crisis 

Many people struggle without adding the financial burden of a child- living in debt or barely scraping by each month. 

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2. Trauma 

One writer says, "The curse ends with me." Some people live with childhood trauma that they recognize would be hard to overcome if they have their own kids.  

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3. Love Giving Them Back 

Some adults have struck a balance they enjoy by making their career about kids, but their personal life about not having them. 

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4. I Wouldn't Be a Good Parent 

One user simply says, "I've met myself." They may recognize they don't have enough patience or some other quality that doesn't make them well-suited to raise children- and that's okay.  

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5. Too Much Work 

Kids are a lot of work and require a huge time commitment. This is why one writer says, "I'm way too lazy to raise a kid." 

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There's no right or wrong answer to the question of having kids, even though there are some societal stigmas around not having kids.