24 Fast Delicious Toddler Lunch Ideas for Home and Day Care

The next best thing to a magic wand is to seek fast and yummy recipes that you can make in a pinch. Luckily, there are many ideas to try with your little one, perfect for staying at home or packing before they head to daycare. 

Warm Toddler Lunch Ideas at Home

1.  Quesadillas A melt-in-your-mouth warm cheese quesadilla can feel like a hug for your toddler. It’s easy to make since all you have to do is heat a soft tortilla in a pan and sprinkle on some cheese. You can fold and cut it into slices for your kid to enjoy. 

Warm Toddler Lunch Ideas at Home

2. Tomato Pasta Pasta can be quite a heavy meal, so it’s best for little ones after a bit of playtime. Choose your noodles and boil them in water, ensuring they’re soft enough for your toddler. You can then create your tomato sauce from scratch or make it during the weekend as a form of meal prep.

Cold Lunch Ideas for Day Care (Snackable Options)

1. Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Bites Peanut butter and oatmeal bites are a great lunch option for kids in the middle of the day. They’re packed with protein and antioxidants to boost energy, fueling your toddler to get through the day. All you need are peanut butter and oats.

Cold Lunch Ideas for Day Care (Snackable Options)

2. Mini Pancakes Create a couple of mini pancakes for your toddler to bring to daycare if you have leftover batter. They’ll love to find them in their lunchbox, along with a few fruits to nibble on. You can use cookie cutters to make fun shapes that appeal to little ones.

Easy Lunch Ideas to Pack in Minutes

1. Taco Bowl When you don’t have the time to cook, invest in assembly and presentation instead. Slice and dice tomatoes, cucumbers, and some leftover meat if you have any. Tear up bits of your soft tortilla to make a deconstructed taco bowl (or leave it whole as a wrap). Add a dollop of sour cream and cheese to complete the packed lunch.

Easy Lunch Ideas to Pack in Minutes

2. Snack Tray Try to get a small snack tray insert to use in your kid’s lunchbox. When you’re in a pinch, you can add a variety of snacks like pretzels, cheese, and lunch meat that your toddler likes to snack on. 

Lunch Ideas for Young Picky Eaters

1. Buttered Toast Buttered toast is a classic food option that will avoid overwhelming your toddler with too much flavor or texture. To make this, simply take your white piece of bread and toast it in the pan with butter. After toasting, slice the bread into triangles to make it appealing and easier to eat.

Lunch Ideas for Young Picky Eaters

2. Pizza Roll Pizza rolls offer a nice balance of flavors for your toddler. Assemble your pizza dough, sauce, and cheese as you would to make a regular pizza. If your kid has any preferred meats or veggies, add them to the mix. Afterward, roll this up and slice it into pieces before baking.