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Floral Pattern

The Worst Age for Divorce for Children And How to Help Them Cope

By Mombloglife

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According to one child psychologist and divorce expert, children around the age of 11 have the hardest time.

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Why the Effects of Divorce are Hardest on Preteens and Teenagers

Children’s reactions to divorce in this age group involved more emotional trauma than others.

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How Divorce Affects Other Age Groups

Divorce affects every child and age group differently- so parents need to help their child navigate these difficult times.

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Toddlers and babies under three (3 years old)

Most common effects of divorce include disruptions in sleep and eating habits, changes in behavior, and emotional distress.

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Preschoolers (3 to 5 years)

Children can feel confused, stressed, and fearful when a family goes through a divorce. They may worry that they are somehow responsible for the break-up.

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Elementary school age (6 to 12 years old)

Divorce for children in elementary school is a critical time in their development. They form own identity and self-esteem

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Teenagers (13+)

Beyond their own individual struggles, many teens also have to navigate complex issues related to custody and visitation rights.

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Sometimes it’s best to accept your marriage for what it is and move on to maintain a healthy relationship with your kids.