The Power of Encouragement: Nurturing Your Child’s Potential

By Mombloglife

One of the strongest influences on kids’ growing brains and lifelong ability to handle stress is their relationship with their parents. 

What Is Encouragement?

Our words become part of our children’s inner worlds, which makes focusing on regularly providing encouragement powerful.

Ways To Encourage Using Words

As an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) ICF-certified coach, I can’t help but bring a coaching lens to the topic of encouragement.

Encouraging The Person, Not The Result

You can ask questions like “What went well?” “What could have gone better?” and “What will you change in the future?”

Embracing Mistakes

Our actions can speak volumes. Our presence, attention, and connection with our kids.

Ways To Encourage With Loving Gesture

Anyone’s personal courage can be increased through the presence of someone who cares.


When we really listen to someone, our actions say, “You are important and worthwhile.”


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In pursuing our natural desire to give our kids everything they need to thrive, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Thankfully we all have a tool at our disposal that’s powerful for helping kids flourish: encouragement.