The Highest Paying Jobs Without a Degree

By Mombloglife

Many high paying jobs require on-the-job training or certification rather than years of education (and student loan debt).

What Is Considered a “High-paying” Job?

Most of the jobs cited as “high-paying” have an average salary of around $50,000.

The Highest-paying Jobs Without a Degree

Of course, factors like experience level and the state you live in play a significant role in income potential.

Most of These Jobs Boil Down to 3 Main Categories

– Hard labor – Basic tech – Managerial/supervisory positions

It is possible to make over $100K without a college degree but it usually requires years of experience and hard work.

Are There Paying Jobs $100,000+ That Don’t Need a Bachelor’s Degree?

Average self-employment income is majorly skewed due to median salary variables but a self-made businesses have huge income potential.

What About Self-employment?

How To Choose a Career Path Without a Degree

We all have different life goals and skills that make us unique, so having a job that aligns with your aspirations makes sense