7 Steps for The Perfect DIY Manicure You Can Totally Do at Home 

By Mombloglife

Prepare your manicure tools, put on your favorite podcast or some music, relax, and give yourself the tender, loving care you deserve. Taking time with your manicure is essential, so give yourself a few hours for the process.  

Here are the basic things you need to do for your manicure at home: – Nail clipper – A cuticle pusher – A nail buffer

Things You Need for a Proper DIY Manicure

The seven-step manicure procedure is a comprehensive approach to achieving perfectly groomed and polished nails.

Manicure Procedure for The Flawless Nail

The nail color can express your personality, mood or even complement a particular outfit. 

Step 1: Remove The Nail Polish

Once you made up your mind, let’s begin. 

Exfoliate and Soak

Step 2:

Push Back Your Cuticle

Step 3:

Buff and Shape Your Nails

Step 4:

Prep for Nail Polish

Step 5:

Apply Your Nail Polish

Step 6 :


Step 7:  

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Our nails and hands go through a lot during the day. The hands’ skin is getting tough and rough, requiring more intensive rejuvenation than other more delicate areas like our face or neck.