4 Golden Rules for Good Conversation Starters 


When you first meet someone at a social gathering or professional setting, the last thing you want is awkwardness. Conversation starters are more than simply a list of questions to ask...

Rule One: It’s About Them, Not You!

You just need to be observant. Does other person seem introverted, extroverted, or omniverted?

Start With The Person

Look at the person as they approach you. Is there anything you see that you can comment on or ask about?

Then The Place

If you’re at a sporting event, the topic of conversation is simple: talk about the team, the game, or the players.

Rule Two: It’s About You, Too!

How do you continue the conversation? Either with your answer to the same question or with the reason you asked it.

Rule Three: Ask Open-ended Questions

These are questions with no definite answer, they are subjective, and the answer is their personal preference or opinion.

Rule Four: Don’t Get Personal

It’s fine to bring up a topic the other person doesn’t know much about. But avoid topics that are too obscure or unlikely to interest many people.

With these rules above, and the examples in the post below, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of conversation.