49 Best Wishes Messages for Various Occasions

by Mombloglife

You can send best wishes for occasions such as birthdays, weddings or anniversaries, a job change, when someone is having surgery, or during the year-end holiday season.

The Meaning of Best Wishes

When someone says “best wishes,” it means they hope for the best for you. They wish you well in your future or current situation.  

Best Birthday Wishes

Here are some examples of birthday wishes for friends, family members, and coworkers. After your birthday, you can also say thank you for the birthday wishes to your friends and family.  

Best Wishes for Wedding Messages

On a wedding card, you can write the newlyweds a short note wishing them the best for their marriage and future.  

Best Wishes for Anniversaries

A happy anniversary message is a thoughtful way to recognize wedding anniversaries. You can congratulate a couple or send a lovely message to your partner.  

Best Wishes When Someone Changes Job

Another time to wish someone the best is when a friend or coworker changes jobs. If you work with them, you can include your best wishes in a farewell thank you message.  

Sharing best wishes is an easy way to share joy and encouragement with friends, family, and coworkers. Your words will likely brighten their day!