by Mombloglife
There isn't anything wrong with reserving an hour once in a while, to take that bubble bath you daydream about to reduce stress.
Reading a book before bed, even if it's just for 15 minutes. will reduces stress levels and improves sleep.
Choosing to mindfully eat 'good for you' food does wonders for your body, mind, and spirit.
This self-care tip might not be for everyone, but give meditation a chance, just for 5 minutes per day
Whether you are going to be a mom, a new mom, or have older children, music may work wonders on your mind
Dancing is so much fun and a GREAT way to get some exercise. Plus, it's social and gets you out of the house
If you've been craving that sweet treat or salty indulgence, give in!
Being organized is a great way to always make yourself feel good, and isn't that what self-care is all about, Mama?